January 23, 2023
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
For over 40 years, safety-focused teams in the military, emergency fire & rescue services and other high-hazard industries have used After Action Reviews to save lives, build trust, and share expertise. In the first hour of this workshop, you’ll learn how to lead high-quality After Action Reviews (AARs) for your team. Watch this 60-second video — https://vimeo.com/481375946. In the 2nd hour of our workshop, ask Jake your toughest questions like, “Why don’t people just follow procedures?” or “How can I get my people more engaged with safety?” In preparation for this engagement, email one question to updates@ncc.assp.org by Friday 20 January.
Many companies try to eliminate errors, but can’t. Dr. Jake shows leaders in high-hazard industries why errors are signals, not failures, and how to address the deeper problem, so that everyone can work more reliably and safely. Jake specializes in making Human Performance / HOP practical. He has worked with: the US Department of Energy, Chevron, Energy Safety Canada, ASSP, and dozens of private clients who prefer to remain anonymous. Dr. Jake has a decade of experience in Safety for electric utilities, and served as a firefighter, an EMT and a military paratrooper. To learn more, visit his website reliableorg.com
The meeting will be held at:
Miller and Long
7101 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814